setting up DeskCamera
Frequently Asked Questions
- Adjust Encoder parameters (Resolution, FPS, etc)
- Change the GPU adapter used by DeskCamera
- Changing RTSP url naming
- Configuring the Internet access to DeskCamera live feed with UPnP port mapping
- Configuring timestamp, mouse and custom text overlays
- Converting external RTSP streams to ONVIF with DeskCamera
- Converting Http Mjpeg/H264 streams to ONVIF with DeskCamera
- Creating Audio-only streams
- DeskCamera API for triggering ONVIF Motion event manually
- Disabling DeskCamera Autostart for All Users, Except a Specific User
- Enable 4K resolution support
- Enable Audio (Mic)
- Enable hardware accelerated H265 stream
- Enable Motion Events
- Hidden mode
- How to change default ONVIF ports
- How to retreive direct RTSP urls for DeskCamera streams
- Maintain DeskCamera streaming on Terminal PCs when RDP session get disconnected
- Multiple Channels mode vs Multiple Cameras mode
- Picture in Picture and Wall media streams
- Ports used by DeskCamera and Configuring firewall rules
- Protect DeskCamera with password
- Stream a Screen area (Crop Desktop)
- Stream Application Window
- Stream PC desktop as ONVIF with 60 FPS rate using DeskCamera
- Stream Static image
- Using "System sounds" audio in DeskCamera streams
- Using Subscription Floating License with no Internet connection