Frequently Asked Question

5. Remote Deployment and configuring DeskCamera
Last Updated 2 years ago

System administrators could use the following set of commands to perform a silent installation and configuring DeskCamera on a remote workstation:
(installation process and first run of DeskCamera.exe must be under administrator elevation)

1) Quiet installation:
>SetupDeskCamera_x64_4.4.2.exe /install /quiet

2) First run of DeskCamera on a workstation with the Internet access (click to watch video):
"%ProgramFiles%\DeskCamera\DeskCamera.exe" /ImportLic 3706037f-665c-4fb6-8d8b-069ce3fc952b.lic /SetCameraUsername onvifUser /SetCameraPassword onvifPass /SetAppPassword appPass /SetHiddenMode 0

3) First run of DeskCamera on a offline workstation [no Internet] (click to watch video):
a. Create .req file needed for offline activation
"%ProgramFiles%\DeskCamera\DeskCamera.exe" /CreateReq my.req

         b. Human step: Use the created my.req file and your License file (.lic) at for generating an offline activation file (ActivatedLicense.act) . Use .act file in the next step

         c. "%ProgramFiles%\DeskCamera\DeskCamera.exe" /ImportAct ActivatedLicense.act /SetCameraUsername onvifUser /SetCameraPassword onvifPass /SetAppPassword appPass /SetHiddenMode 0

Examples of .bat files for both Online and Offline remote deployments could be downloaded here:

Explaining of the configuration commands:

>DeskCamera.exe/ImportLic [license file (.lic)]: Import and activate provided license file online. Run DeskCamera with the provided license

>DeskCamera.exe/CreateReq [license request file (.req)] : Create a .req file, required for offline license activation procedure. DeskCamera application immediately closes after executing that command

>DeskCamera.exe/ImportAct [activated license file (.act)]: Import offline activate license file and run DeskCamera with the provided license

>DeskCamera.exe/SetCameraUsername [onvif user]: Configure ONVIF/RTSP user name and run DeskCamera application

>DeskCamera.exe/SetCameraPassword [onvif password]: Configure ONVIF/RTSP user password and run DeskCamera application

>DeskCamera.exe/SetAppPassword [app password]: Configure DeskCamera password and run DeskCamera application

>DeskCamera.exe/SetHiddenMode [0,1]: Enable (1) or Disable (0) hidden mode and run DeskCamera application

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